Harvest Gathering & Bon Fire
12pm-3pm, Sunday, Oct 20
We will be celebrating the 10th growing season of MGF with a restorative meal (supplemented by potluck contributions), reflections on our sunset, opportunities to reflect and be in ceremony and an optional gathering around a bonfire afterwards. please RSVP.
Barter Day
9am - 1pm, Sunday, Nov 3
We will be hosting our last Barter Day where farmers, homesteaders, and makers come together to exchange hand-made products featuring local ingredients. Read more about some of the rules and how to RSVP. You can find more information and a registration form here. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mimi: mimibudnick@gmail.com.
Tag Sale & Give-Away
2 - 4pm, Sunday November 3
We will be hosting a tag sale of MGF supplies and equipment, with most of the items given away for free. There will be equipment ranging from tractor implements to chainsaws, as well as small tools, livestock supplies, and cultivating tools, and random stuff! A full list of items will be posted shortly, and RSVP is required to attend the event. Sign-up to receive updates on what is available